When I saw this game for $29.99 on the Mac App Store, let’s just say I was a tad bit excited. Actually, REALLY excited. Like little kid jumping around the room excited. It’s very rare that we see the daylight of a good port on the App Store, and this is one of them. But before the purchase, I was skeptical. Can this run on my 2012 Macbook Air? The answer is, OH YES IT DOES. Setting up the graphic settings for this game is easy as pie, and on the lowest setting it’s still stunning, and is almost always at 60 FPS. The game’s enviroment is beautiful as well, really giving off the deep and dark setting of the Metro, and above on land too. All this, and the content is gamechanging as well. The story is excellent, with some kickass scenes and some plot twists I didn’t see coming, and multiple endings. The game is almost completly immersive, to the fact where you have to wear a gas mask on land to breathe, and where it doesn’t display your ammo couter on you HUD. It gives a sense and vibe of realism, and it made me feel like I really was in this world, and it gave me the chills at times. So all in all, a great game at an amazing $29.99 price tag, graphics running well on almost every laptop or desktop, and the amazing sheer amount of content, this game is a MUST have. I’m giving Metro: Last Light a 5 out 5.